Marcy C. Houle

forest Park: Exploring Portland's Natural Sanctuary

Wild Arts Festival Book Fair welcomes extends a hearty welcome to wildlife biologist and author Marcy Cottrell Houle. Her latest work, Forest Park: Exploring Portland's Natural Sanctuary provides information on twenty-one hikes covering seventy-five miles. Hikes are grouped by theme (e.g., watersheds, geology, lichens, amphibians, pollinators, and more). Photographs and maps accompany each trail description. This detailed guide extends the remarkable story of Forest Park Marcy provided in her first tribute to the park, One City’s Wilderness: Portland's Forest Park. In addition to celebrating nature, Marcy has also explored the experience of human aging in her recently published The Gift of Aging: Growing Older with Purpose, Planning and Positivity. With co-author, Elizabeth Eckstrom, MD, this book combines up-to-date science with inspirational stories and insights from wise elders. It also offers key strategies for meeting the challenges of aging. Marcy is known for her award-winning books: The Prairie Keepers: Secrets of the Zumwalt and Wings for My Flight: The Peregrine Falcons of Chimney Rock. You can meet Marcy on Sunday, November 19.

Visit Marcy’s website.